Monday, 20 April 2015

21st Century Megatrends - Clem Sunter

Join us for lunch with renowned business strategist Clem Sunter.

21st Century Megatrends - how a fox sees them

Date                            Tuesday 12 May
Time                           12 noon for 12h30
Venue                         Buitenverwachting Restaurant
Guest Speaker           Clem Sunter

Challenging times globally, South Africa seems to have lost the plot in many areas… 

Fortunate indeed to have the opportunity to listen to some good advice from Clem Sunter, world famous Scenario Planner and Futurist as out guest speaker.

Imagine if you could imagine the unimaginable, sketch possible futures about it and then make a choice between the options available to you

Believe it or not, it is feasible to sketch possible and sometimes extreme futures and to optimise your strategy accordingly. But you need the bright eyes of a fox to survey the world around you; you need the mind of a fox to map out the best way of handling the changes you see happening; and you need the speed and agility of a fox's response in turning your thoughts into action.
From Clem's website

A delicious five star lunch and elegant wines from Buitenverwachting to accompany is on the Agenda. 

Price per person is R270

Raising funds for Motor Neuron disease; super prizes so bring along some cash to buy tickets.

Phone Sandy on 021 685 8016 for info or to book or .

PS        Exclusive Books will have Clem’s The Fox Trilogy and

21st Century Megatrends available at the lunch.


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