Friday, 4 May 2012

Lunch with Clem Sunter

May News

Up to the minute, informative and enjoyable.
Relax with a delicious luncheon at a top restaurant.
A great speaker is the ‘cherry on top’.
 Clem Sunter is joining us to give us our annual update!
The World & South Africa 2012 Latest Scenarios, Flags and Probabilities
Buitenverwachting Restaurant
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
12h00 for 12h30 (starts promptly)
Clem Sunter
For many years, Chairman of Anglo American’s Chairman’s Fund, Clem Sunter is arguably the world’s top scenario planner and leading strategist.
In the late 1980's Clem put together a presentation entitled ‘The World and South Africa in the 1990’s – the two scenarios he offered for South Africa; the ‘High Road’ of negotiation, leading to a political settlement and the ‘Low Road’ of confrontation, leading to a civil war and a wasteland. It is no secret that South Africa took the High Road, leading to worldwide acknowledgement and respect.

The scenarios change dramatically both internationally and in South Africa. It is indeed an honour for The Thursday Club that Clem joins us annually to keep us up to speed.
His three amazing Fox books have been combined into a Trilogy which will be available on the day. (I have all three but can’t wait to get the Trilogy).
We are launching Clem's new book Calling All Foxes – Your Time Has Come.
I can't wait to read it. If I hadn't been a fox as per Clem's early advice, I don't know where I would be now...
 Edgar has created a delicious menu for us and this will be accompanied by a glass of Buitenverwachting’s finest!
Amuse BoucheCreamy Polenta-Garlic Soup,
Home smoked Maasbanker
Braised Chalmar Beef Roulade,
Own Sauce, Potato Puree, roast Vegetables
Malva Pudding,
Braised Quince, Crème Anglaise
Filter Coffee & Friandise
Price per person - R225  
Please let me know if you have any special dietary requirements.

Booking is expected to be brisk so please call Sandy on 021 685 8016 to book or reply by return email.

PS We will be holding a raffle for St Luke’s Hospice, tickets will be R50.

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