Friday, 22 November 2019

It's a West Coast Wander at the December Luncheon

Thursday Club December Luncheon


At Kelvin Grove on Tuesday 3 December at 12 noon for 12h30
Guest Speaker is Georgia East

It’s our year-end and what a year we've had;  explored many avenues and met some lovely people along the way. All reasons to celebrate. The Pavilion is a lovely private room at the historic Kelvin Grove Club. 

The lovely Georgia East will be with us as our guest speaker.  

She has written West Coast Wander a stunning exploration of our beautiful West Coast with some delicious recipes to go with some spots you have never even heard of…. Bianca Coleman interviewed Georgia, an extract of her interview below….:

Exploring this wildly beautiful coastline and the people that call it home, West Coast Wander takes readers on a culinary caper from Yzerfontein to Doringbaai, documenting each delicious detour. As for trendy Paternoster? Hmmm, not so much, according to this forthright author.

“You can see the West Coast with two very separate kinds of eyes,” says East. “You can go in and see it on a one-dimensional level – fishing houses, fishing boats, a little bit grubby, a little bit rundown, not always pretty. Or you can go in and see it as a place where it’s not easy to live –weather conditions are harsh, no green, no trees, it’s not that aesthetically pleasing.
(You can see the whole interview on Daily Maverick)

The menu:

Ballotine of turkey
 Glazed Sweet Potatoes, blanched sultanas, apricots, roasted apple
 Crumbled Feta on Cranberry sauce

Mince pies and Coffee/Tea

Kelvin White/Red Wine

A vegetarian option is available with the same vegetables and sauce plus a vegetarian protein.
If you have a problem with Turkey and don’t want the vegetarian option please let us know so that we can arrange an alternative for you.

The cost of the function is R360 which includes venue hire, food, wine and service.

Please call 021 685 8016 or email  to let us know if you will be attending as well as any dietary requirements you would like.