Sunday, 30 July 2017

Launching Dr Jakkie Cilliers FATE of the NATION


Judith February will interview author Jakkie Cilliers
Three Possible Futures for South Africa

Date                 Thursday 3 August
Time                6 p.m.
Venue              Buitenverwachting’s Wine Tasting Room

August is a month that is going to go down as an important one for South Africa. We are fortunate in that before the momentous impeachment vote in Parliament on the 8th August we are going to be able to hear an interview of Jakkie Cilliers by Judith February at the launch of his book Fate of the Nation.  

This will take place in the historic Wine Tasting Room at Buitenverwachting we will quaff some wine and a light meal of delicious breads with Adrienne Kirchbaum’s delicious home-made soup to feed the inner person.

Incisive, bold and sobering. A revealing forecast and a call to action – CYRIL RAMAPHOSA

What does our future hold? Will the ANC split within the next five years? Could the DA rule the country in 2024? Will the EFF form an alliance with the ANC? What should we do to make our economy grow at levels that will impact on poverty and inequality? Will we become a more tolerant or a more violent society?
In Fate of the Nation scenario expert, Jakkie Cilliers answers all these and many other questions. He has developed three detailed scenarios for our immediate future and beyond – Bafana Bafana; Nation Divided and Mandela Magic.
According to Cilliers, the ANC is in many ways paralysed by the power struggle between what he calls the Traditionalists (supporters of Jacob Zuma) and the Reformers (led by Cyril Ramaphosa and others). This power struggle leads to policy confusion, poor leadership and general ineptitude in the civil service.
Key to which scenario will become our reality is who will be elected to the ANC’s top leadership at their national conference in December 2017. Whichever group wins will determine what our future holds. We could also see a compromise grouping being selected Cilliers says, in which case the Bafana Bafana scenario – where we simply muddle along as a country – is the strongest

A book for all concerned South Africans.

Jakkie Cilliers
JAKKIE CILLIERS is a well‐known political and Africa analyst and commentator. He was the executive director of the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) for many years and currently serves as chairman of the board of trustees. Cilliers has written and published several dozen books, monographs and papers.
He is an Extraordinary Professor at the Centre of Human Rights and the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Pretoria. His current interests relate to issues around South Africa and Africa’s long‐term future.

Judith February
JUDITH FEBRUARY describes herself on twitter as ‘governance specialist, lapsed lawyer, columnist, lover of words, latte drinker, fellow traveller, Classicist & cricket fan.’

Judith was previously executive director of the HSRC’s Democracy and Governance unit and also head of the Idasa’s South African Governance programme for 12 years. Presently she is the Senior Research Associate of the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) in Cape Town.
She studied law at the UCT where she obtained her BA [Law] and her LLB degrees in 1991 and 1993 respectively. She was then admitted as an attorney in 1996 and practised law in Cape Town until 2000. In 2000 she obtained her LLM in Commercial Law also from the UCT.

For more information email or telephone 021 685 8016.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

An Epic Row - A delicious lunch - Cape to Rio

Guest Speaker Wayne Robertson will share his Amazing Journey
Luncheon at the Palmyra Room, Kelvin Grove, Cape Town

Thursday 20 July 2017

Courageous duo Wayne Robertson and Braam Malherbe achieved an epic world first by rowing approximately 8100 km's from Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro Yacht Club. They rowed in a small vessel Mhondoro and they arrived at their destination on the 9 May 2017 after spending 92 days at sea.

Wayne will be sharing his journey with us and also be showing us slides of this epic journey.

The challenge was undertaken to publicise Braam Malherbe’s Foundation the DOT Challenge, which stands for Do 1 Thing, it is a challenge that encourages one to make simple lifestyle changes, known as DOTs, which have a positive impact on our environment.  For more information 

Besides the obvious physical and mental challenges of every long expedition, the extraordinariness of their mission includes an extremely perilous crossing in the unpredictable and variable weather conditions of the Southern Atlantic ocean; having to avoid countless collisions with ships or underwater vessels which happen to cross the Atlantic on a similar route and of course the possibility of encountering whales. This entailed being on constant and vigilant alert, each of them taking turns to row continuously in two- hour shifts to ensure a safe crossing.

More extraordinary however is that this challenge was entirely unassisted and unsupported. There was not a single rescue boat following them or in contact with them at all and in an emergency, the closest ship would be their only source of help- which could be days away.

A delicious lunch will be served in The Palmyra Room which has its own private balcony overlooking the fountain and Kelvin’s immaculate gardens.

Butternut Cream Soup

Moroccan Chicken with Apricots and Toasted Almonds

Sweet and Sour Stir-Fried Vegetables with Pineapple and Cashew nuts

Filter Coffee /Tea

Accompnaied by Kelvin Grove Wines

To book or for more information or telephone 021 685 8016.